Busy schedule? No problem!
Our expert tutors and flexible schedules create a personalised language experience that works for you.
Get matched with a passionate, native-speaking tutor who tailors each lesson to your goals. Build confidence from day one with personalised support that’s all about you
Why just study when you can watch, sing along, and play your way to fluency? We turn your favorite movies, songs, and games into the ultimate learning tools.
Our curriculum is designed with the latest proven teaching methods. You’ll learn fast and apply it even faster with practical, culture-rich lessons for all ages and levels
Keep the momentum going with our app, packed with flashcards, games, and progress trackers to help reinforce lessons and keep you motivated
Step into real-world conversations with our Virtual Immersion Sessions. Speak, listen, and engage like a native without leaving your living room.
Get matched with a passionate, native-speaking tutor who tailors each lesson to your goals. Build confidence from day one with personalised support that’s all about you
Why just study when you can watch, sing along, and play your way to fluency? We turn your favorite movies, songs, and games into the ultimate learning tools.
Our curriculum is designed with the latest proven teaching methods. You’ll learn fast and apply it even faster with practical, culture-rich lessons for all ages and levels
Keep the momentum going with our app, packed with flashcards, games, and progress trackers to help reinforce lessons and keep you motivated
Step into real-world conversations with our Virtual Immersion Sessions. Speak, listen, and engage like a native without leaving your living room.
Get matched with a passionate, native-speaking tutor who tailors each lesson to your goals. Build confidence from day one with personalised support that’s all about you
Why just study when you can watch, sing along, and play your way to fluency? We turn your favorite movies, songs, and games into the ultimate learning tools.
Our curriculum is designed with the latest proven teaching methods. You’ll learn fast and apply it even faster with practical, culture-rich lessons for all ages and levels
Keep the momentum going with our app, packed with flashcards, games, and progress trackers to help reinforce lessons and keep you motivated
Step into real-world conversations with our Virtual Immersion Sessions. Speak, listen, and engage like a native without leaving your living room.
Our community speaks for itself. Literally! Our expert, native-speaking tutors have helped countless learners master languages while immersing them in vibrant cultures.
“For the first time today I was able to talk about myself fluently in Yoruba without support from my tutor. He has helped me come a long way and I can see my progress. I am very grateful!”
"So happy I chose to learn with Lingawa! I have a great instructor. This is the first time I have felt I| have learned Igbo without the laughing judgement of someone else. My instructor has been great and I am really glad I chose to learn with Lingawa and can already see progress in my understanding and speech."
"Her warm attitude and attentive listening made me comfortable to make mistakes whilst practicing how to say words in the correct way. By the end of the lesson we formed all the words into a sentence and conversation Can't wait for my next session."
Think fluency is out of reach? Think again! With our personalised approach and expert tutors, you’ll be conversing confidently in no time.
From moving music to inspiring movies, learning a language helps you connect with the arts in a whole new way.
Preserve a rich heritage! Whether you're teaching your children or learning for yourself, each lesson helps preserve this beautiful culture.
Language is the heart of culture. Discover the stories, traditions, and customs that shape a community.
Start your lessons in 3 simple steps. Select a lesson, book a time according to your schedule and start learning!
Choose the language that speaks to your heart (and maybe your heritage)!
Our tutor-matching process will connect you with the perfect expert for your learning style.
Book your lesson and start your language-learning adventure!
Choose a language to start with
Get matched through our tutor-matching process
We'll connect you with your tutor
Already learning with us? Here’s how you can earn more free lessons
Spread the word! Invite your friends to start their language journey with us.
Your friend gets to experience the magic of our expert tutors—completely free!
Once they complete their first paid lesson, it’s your turn to get a free session
Keep referring, keep earning! There’s no limit to how many free lessons you can get.
Spread the word! Invite your friends to start their language journey with us.
Your friend gets to experience the magic of our expert tutors—completely free!
Once they complete their first paid lesson, it’s your turn to get a free session
Keep referring, keep earning! There’s no limit to how many free lessons you can get.